Friday, February 21, 2014

All Together Now

Hello, my name is Apollo. I am one of the twelve Greek gods and goddesses. I am the god of the sun, arts, prophecy, and young unmarried men. My father is Zues and the Titan Leto is my mother. I was born on an isolated island because my fathers wife, Hera, forbid my mother to give birth to me and my twin sister, Artemis, anywhere the sun shone. When I was four days old, I had grown to a full grown adult. I than traveled to the island of Delphi, which was protected by a giant serpent named Pytho. Pytho and I fought until death, his death. The island itself was gorgeous, with sparkling blue oceans surrounding it and the luscious forests and beautiful flowers on it. I was the most worshipped of all the Greek gods because of my beauty and kindness. I was a player as humans today would say, but the true love of my life was Daphne. My love for her is represented by my laurel wreath crown I wear on top of my head 24/7. That's me, Apollo, in the short story of Pytho,

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