Monday, February 24, 2014

What I Learned

During the past week I listened to different gods from all different cultures talk about themselves and this is what I learned! Sun Wu Kong's mom was a rock while his dad was the wind. Ra was the Egyptian god of the sun. Thor's Mollnjur can only be picked up by him. Odin had two biological kids and one adopted son. Loki is Odin's adopted son and he killed Odin's biological son, Balder. Balder was invincible except for when it came to mistletoe. Freya's sacred symbol is the cat. Set killed his brother for power. The Jade Emperor was the ruler of the earth, heavens, and the underworld. Coyote gave humans fire. Hermes stole Apollo's cattle, only after he made them walk backwards. Artemis turned a guy into a deer and watched as his own dogs ate him. Isis had her son Horus with her brother and husband Osiris. Raven created all light. Horus is now the king of Egypt and is married to his mom, Isis. Osiris was killed by his own brother and than chopped into 14 pieces.

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